Today my daughter, the dogs and I took a walk in the snow. It was so quiet and breathtaking. At first I didn’t want to leave my nice warm house. I was feeling rather lazy but I knew for my mental well being I needed to get out and walk, I’ve been a bit frustrated lately because of how long it has taken me to come back from my recent flare.
Walks have been very rare the last few weeks because of my health, schedule and weather. I’ve come to realize that my mental state declines if I don’t have any physical exertion, I tend to have more anxiety, panic and I am just not as nice! I am so glad we went! That being said I have come back with sore joints from the cold but it was all worth it!
I enjoy taking photos and sharing them. I believe that just as words can tell a story, so can photos. If you are unable to get out and enjoy nature right now I hope that these photos offer comfort and inspiration to you to keep starting over one baby step at a time. Enjoy!